This tour we did june/july 2004. We started at Durban, went to Mbabane, Swasiland, The Kruger Park into Mozambique. From Vilanculos to Maputo and back to Swasiland and Durban. Then to Cape Town and Johannesburg.

The part through Mozambique we travelled with friends: Ina and Terrence Cotton with a Land Rover Series III, Jochem and Marianne with a LR TD5 110, Carl and Suzy with a Japanese car, John and Ilse with a Discovery and Wouter de Waal with a Land Rover Series II 109 build in 1959.

The rest of the trip we did on our own.

Eben Henning was so kind to pick up the 101 at the harbour in Durban. Later he found out he could not live without a 101 and bought one himself. He is one of the very few 101 owners in South Africa.
From Durban we drove to Mtubatuba to visit Thandie's family. The children were very happy with the presents we took with us for them.
We had a big car this time so we even took a picknick table with us.
From Mtubatuba we went to Mbabane to visit our friends Rinus and Khosi Heesters. They used to live here in Holland close to us but they moved a couple of years ago to Swasiland.
Then it was on to Barberton. We were supposed to meet some members from the Overland mailinglist there but we could not find them. So instead we went to Peet and Arine where we stayed over for the night.
From there it was on to Phalaborwa where we were to meet the rest of our group for the trip through Mozambique.
Wouter was already there.
Next day was into the Kruger Park.